Multi-channel Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Video-on-Demand (VoD) systems can be categorized into independent-channel P2P VoD\r\nsystems and correlated-channel P2P VoD systems. Streaming capacity for a channel is defined as the maximal streaming rate that\r\ncan be received by every user of the channel. In this paper, we study the streaming capacity problem in multi-channel P2P VoD\r\nsystems. In an independent-channel P2P VoD system, there is no resource correlation among channels. Therefore, we can find the\r\naverage streaming capacity for the independent-channel P2P VoD system by finding the streaming capacity for each individual\r\nchannel, respectively. We propose a distributed algorithm to solve the streaming capacity problem for a single channel in an\r\nindependent-channel P2P VoD system. The average streaming capacity for a correlated-channel P2P VoD system depends on\r\nboth the intra-channel and cross-channel resource allocation. To better utilize the cross-channel resources, we first optimize the\r\nserver upload allocation among channels to maximize the average streaming capacity and then propose cross-channel helpers to\r\nenable cross-channel sharing of peer upload bandwidths.We demonstrate in the simulations that the correlated-channel P2P VoD\r\nsystems with both intra-channel and cross-channel resource allocation can obtain a higher average streaming capacity compared\r\nto the independent-channel P2P VoD systems with only intra-channel resource allocation.